MY SUBURB: Josephine Tiquia, Cairnlea

Cairnlea resident Josephine Tiquia began her nursing career at Western Hospital before moving to Sunshine Hospital when it opened a surgical ward in mid-2001. She loves the fast pace of her job and watching people recover fully.

Where do you go for a bite to eat or a coffee?

I sometimes meet a workmate for a latte at Vic Pies in Cairnlea town centre. The bakery has Vietnamese food, which I really like. Another good Vietnamese eatery in my patch is Phu Vinh in Hampshire Road, Sunshine, which must be doing well because it’s recently expanded. My favourite dish would be the rice and pork.

What do you do in your spare time?

Cairnlea is home to lots of great parks. On a summer Friday evening, my family heads to one of them for a barbecue. I also catch a movie at Village Cinemas in Sunshine; the last good one I saw was Elysium with Matt Damon. Another thing I find relaxing is helping my dad with his photography business. I go with him on shoots and get to meet so many types of people and, I guess because of my nursing skills, I’m often able to put them at ease with the process. Having unfamiliar cultural experiences is another thing I enjoy about this. One photo shoot I remember was my first Macedonian christening ceremony where everyone danced, played drums and got into the festivities with joy and enthusiasm. It was great.

What would you change in your neighbourhood?

The Furlong Road railway crossing holds up traffic to the point that drivers get agitated and this sometimes tempts them to do something stupid and dangerous.

What wouldn’t you change?

I love our parks. When I drive to work in the morning I see people using them, exercising or just enjoying the space. I think parks add greatly to the feeling of community and they give Cairnlea a vibrancy that people are attracted to.

Where do you snag a clothes bargain?

Brimbank shopping centre has some small boutiques, along with Target, where I find some bargains. I also browse Watergardens, where I’ve found good items for my family. With two young children, any bargain is a bonus.