Sunshine Hospital is well placed to cater for an increasing number of births, according to the state government.
Announcing the opening of tenders for a $15.1 million development, including five additional labour delivery rooms, Health Minister David Davis said the new unit would be completed by June next year, while a dedicated pregnancy day stay unit will open in November.
“This new unit will have five examination beds, three observation chairs, and four consulting-procedure rooms,’’ Mr Davis said.
‘‘This will also be of great value to the many women in this area who are preparing to give birth at Sunshine Hospital.”
A total of 5066 babies were born at the hospital in 2012, up from 4511 in 2011 and 4287 in 2010.
The expansion will include additional critical-care services and future capacity for cardiology services.
A dedicated, stand-alone ambulatory dialysis unit is also being built.