MY SHOUT: Stench of hypocrisy

The furore over questionable expense claims by federal politicians will eventually blow over but will leave a sour taste in the voters’ mouths should the government start making tough decisions to counter the so-called budget emergency.

There’s already a stench of hypocrisy in the air when a prime minister who refused pay rises to low-paid childcare and aged-care workers has tallied up expenses worth thousands of dollars, including $9300 for a return charter flight to Tamworth’s country music festival for himself and a family member – a 55-minute flight that’s serviced by Qantas and Rex for under $500 one way.

That’s a quarter of the average childcare worker’s salary.

Most MPs’ expenses are warranted, but such extreme examples and a reluctance to implement proper scrutiny of claims will do nothing to counter ever-growing public cynicism. 

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