Wild weather: 117kmh winds hit Brimbank

More than 10 cars were damaged by falling trees earlier this week as 117km/h wild winds hit Brimbank.

Deputy unit controller Brad Dalgleish said his team could use a break as wind gusts of up to 117km/h were recorded just after midnight on Monday.

“We’re done 154 jobs since July 1, so the crew is feeling it,” he said. “They’re a bit fatigued. We have about 50 volunteers, of about 35 to 40 are really active, so we could always use more.”

The Brimbank SES required back-up from two regional crews and went without power for nearly 24 hours as they received 214 calls for assistance. Calls included 104 for building damage, 71 for trees and 34 for “tree down traffic hazards”.

Mr Dalgleish said local residents needed to be prepared for wild weather.

“Don’t park your cars under trees during significant wind events.

“Also have a safety plan, stock up with plenty of water, batteries and non-perishable food items.”

A local crew and truck was also deployed to assist the Frankston unit on Thursday.