Speeding Deer Park hoons drive parents to despair

Pleas for speed humps near two Deer Park childcare centres have been answered.

Koreena Carlton, who has a child enrolled at Deer Park Children’s Community Centre, organised a petition with 80 signatures that urged Brimbank council to help slow down hoons in Hume and Hyde streets.

Traffic surveys done in a 50km/h zone on Hume Street from 3-4pm showed some vehicles travelling at up to 90km/h.

Last Wednesday night, council administrators approved plans for two speed humps in Hume and Hyde streets.

The council will also create a T-intersection at the junction of the streets.

“Cars are going way too fast,” Mrs Carlton said.

“It’s meant to be 50km/h in a residential area. Speed humps would bring cars down to 10-15km/h.

“There’s so much happening down that street. I’ve had two kids come through the [community] centre and it was exactly the same five years ago.”

Centre director Silvana Borg said the petition was borne out of parents’ frustration and fears about the safety of their children.

“They got sick of people flying past as they were dropping off their children,” she said.

The council’s infrastructure and environment director, Paul Younis, said a timeframe for the speed humps had not been set.

“The construction will depend on funding, and the recommendation was for funding in future capital works programs,” he said.