Milking laughs in Afghanistan no easy gig

Stand-up comedian Doug Chappel doesn’t mind admitting he felt some pressure to make a group of armed troops laugh during a comedy gig in Afghanistan.

“They were fairly large crowds and they’ve all got machineguns,” the Burnside resident said. “It’s pretty daunting, especially when you’re picking on audience members to make jokes.”

Chappel, who returned from his trip last week, said it was a huge honour to perform for more than 1000 troops.

He has also done shows for soldiers in East Timor and the Solomon Islands.

“When you’re able to provide enjoyment it’s really rewarding,” he said. “The soldiers are doing a great job. They pretty much work 12-hour days, seven days a week, and they don’t get a lot of entertainment.”

Chappel, a comedian of 15 years, said challenging aspects of the visit included not being able to tell people back home the exact details of where he was going.

“I felt safe, but it was pretty full-on tour,” he said. “You jump on a plane to a different place, set up, do the show, pack up, sleep … then fly out somewhere else. And you can’t really tell anyone what you are doing.”