What’s on around Brimbank and the North West

Flying high: Sydenham Kite Festival is a free community event at Delahey Recreational Reserve from 1-4pm, May 5. Organisers are seeking volunteers, stall operators and entertainers. Details: BrimbankKiteFestival@gmail.com

Youth workers: Volunteers are needed to work in schools with youth for two hours a week. Positions available year-round. Visit: mmvllen.org.au

In the navy: To all serving and ex-merchant seamen and women, the Merchant Navy War Service League is looking for new members. It’s not necessary to have done war service. Details: 5995 2741.

Back or neck pain: Headaches? Sports injury? Osteopathic care treats them, at Victoria University Osteopathy Clinic (St Albans campus). Treatment’s by senior students supervised by qualified osteopaths. Cost: $20. Details: 9919 2625.

Dancing feet: Brimbank Community Ballroom Dance Club holds a dance first Saturday of every month. Free coffee, tea and biscuits. Details: 0408 300 770.

Walk to fitness: Keilor Walkers Social Club has fitness walks from 7pm, Mondays and Wednesdays, and 9am, Saturdays. One-hour walks cover Keilor Village and Brimbank Park. Details: 9337 6819.

Women’s group: Sunrise group for women with a physical or intellectual disability or who experience mental illness, meets fortnightly for friendship and support. For more details, phone 9689 9588.