Errant drivers fill police dragnet in Sunshine

MORE than 90 drivers were nabbed by police in five days as part of a pedestrian-safety operation in Sunshine.

Police caught 93 drivers endangering pedestrians and more than 30 pedestrians not using crossings during Operation Crosswalk, which focused on crossings in Hampshire and Devonshire roads from May 6–17.

Brimbank Acting Sergeant David England said the operation was sparked by a high number of recent traffic incidents. 

‘‘These are two of Brimbank’s busiest roads and there have simply been too many near misses and car accidents in recent months,’’ he said.

“Brimbank is an area with a large proportion of pedestrian crossings, yet people are still endangering their lives by not using traffic lights, and drivers continue to offend near pedestrian crossings.” 

Mr England said 16 drivers were caught in unregistered cars and 10 were nabbed for talking on mobile phones. Nine disqualified drivers and six unlicensed motorists were caught, while two cars were impounded for excessive speeding. A total of 34 pedestrians were caught jaywalking.

Mr England said the ongoing operation would shift to central St Albans before the end of this month.

“We are extremely concerned at the high number of drivers and pedestrians caught in such a short period of time,” he said. “Road safety is all road users’ responsibility, irrespective of whether they’re a driver or a pedestrian.”

Mr England said police had also started a drink-driving operation in Keilor, Kings Park, Deer Park and Sunshine.