Letters to the editor, Brimbank & North West Weekly

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Re: Queues delay ambos (Weekly, May 14):

This a statewide issue — the service is understaffed and paramedics are overworked. Communities are being left without ambulance coverage. Victorian paramedics are paid about $25,000 less than their South Australian counterparts. 

 Paramedics are thinking of, or actually, leaving. Unless the Napthine government delivers pay parity this will only worsen. 

We need the public to speak up!

Tony (via web)

Save the elephants

Elephants are an increasingly endangered species. They are threatened by ivory poaching, habitat loss and the increasing encroachment of the human population. 

We need to take action to stop the threats to these wonderful mammals. Trade in any ivory is banned until 2016, but there are still black markets in ivory and elephant products. 

We can all help by donating money to organisations like the World Wildlife Fund and by joining the ‘adopt an elephant campaign’ at Melbourne Zoo. We should also stop buying all elephant products.

This is not a big ask. We should do everything we can to save these beautiful creatures. I strongly encourage all readers to act.

Shamika Ratnayake, Albanvale

We need them, they need us

As we approach the end of another financial year, Red Cross would again like to remind everyone that June is your last chance to help people doing it tough – and get a tax deduction for this financial year.

The number of people who need help in Brimbank continues to grow each year and Red Cross is finding it harder than ever to attract the support we need to do our work.

You have always been able to trust Red Cross to be there when large-scale disasters strike, but we’re also out in your area every day helping people who are doing it tough.

Red Cross is asking everyone to dig deep before June 30 to support our everyday work. Whether it’s serving breakfast to children who would otherwise go to school hungry, making sure elderly and frail Australians receive daily phone calls so they can continue to live independently, or helping communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters, Red Cross is there providing help where and when it’s needed most.

A tax-deductible gift to the Red Cross Doing it Tough Appeal can make a real difference.

To make a tax deductible donation by June 30, call 1800 811 700 or visit redcross.org.au

Toni Aslett, executive director, Australian Red Cross

Re: The Seekers: Finding contentment (Weekly cover story, May 14):

The Seekers’ Live at the Talk of The Town 1968 was the first vinyl record I ever bought, for about $6. I played it to death and could sing along to every song and recite all the lyrics. I was so upset when they broke up. Get well soon, Judith.

Andrew Richardson (via web)