Just a stage they’re going through

SYNCHRONISING almost 300 children to dance in time to Michael Jackson’s Thriller is no mean feat. Add rambunctious moves to the mix and, as Essendon Keilor College student Jamie Nguyen puts it, “they’re so excited, we get mauled”. 

Western suburbs students from grade 2 to year 10  recently gathered at Essendon Keilor College to rehearse for the Victorian State Schools Spectacular, which will see them merge into a cast of 3000 talented young people from every corner of the state.

CLICK HERE for our picture gallery of the rehearsals.

Grade 5 pupil Rachel Nguyen, of Ardeer South Primary School, said it was one of her favourite annual events.

“I’ve loved watching it come alive. Getting on stage with some of your friends in front of a huge crowd is a wish come true.”

The spectacular, choreographed by Troy Phillips, who has performed with Kylie Minogue and Hugh Jackman, is a professionally staged arena show for an audience of 12,000.

The event will showcase a 1500-voice choir, 80-piece orchestra, 1400 dancers, 23 lead vocalists, 25 principal dancers and 30 circus performers. 

For Ardeer South Primary School grade 6 pupil Anna Bui and others who are moving on to private secondary colleges, it’s an opportunity that comes “once in a lifetime’’. “When else will I be able to be part of such a big concert again?”

The Victorian State Schools Spectacular is at Hisense Arena, July 27, at 11am and 5pm. Tickets: 132  849 or ticketek.com.au. Details: education.vic.gov.au/spectacular