Autism Angels celebrate a birthday

LIKE most teenagers, Kon Havelas has had his share of ups and downs. But the 13-year-old, who has autism, has been lucky to have a family that understands the challenges of living with the condition.

St Albans residents Chris and Despina Havelas helped start the Brimbank-based Autism Angels five years ago to provide support for autistic children and their families.

Havelas says his son, a Jackson Special School student, has had a crack at a lot of things over his short life. “He’s tried all kinds of sports, like Little Athletics and football . . . but the other night I saw him free-hand sketch a picture of Bart Simpson, which was great.”

Kon’s plans tend to change.

“One minute he wants to work in a shop and make coffee, the next he wants to work with me mowing lawns,” his dad says.

TheHavelas family and Autism Angels are always looking for something new to inspire their children.

“We’re always looking for new ideas, ways to stimulate the children.’’ 

Autism Angels will celebrate its fifth birthday with a fund-raising dinner dance on August 10 from 6.30pm at the Club Italia Sporting Club, Sunshine. Adults $60, children $30.

Bookings: 0404 522 226 or