Breakthrough on Sunvale school site

THE fight to save the former Sunvale Primary School site from private development has taken a “giant step in the right direction’’, according to Liberal MP Bernie Finn.

Mr Finn joined Planning Minister Matthew Guy, Education Minister Martin Dixon and Save Sunvale members John Hedditch and Sean Spencer on Thursday to discuss the sale of the site.

Sunvale is on a government list of surplus land that could be sold to private developers.

But Mr Finn said a process that had ground to a halt had “come a fair way” in favour of the Sunshine site being sold to Brimbank council.

“It was a giant step in the right direction – I’m feeling very optimistic,” he said. “It was initially thought that only 1.1 hectares was available, but now it seems the entire site is on the table. It’s not done and dusted yet, though.”

Spokesmen for Mr Guy and Mr Dixon could not be reached for comment.