Federal election: We’ll keep making cars, Kevin Rudd tells west

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd made a surprise two-hour pre-election visit to the western suburbs on Friday evening. 

He was welcomed by hundreds of locals at the Italian Community of Keilor Association on Keilor Park Drive.

Accompanied by Maribyrnong MP Bill Shorten, Mr Rudd said if re-elected his focus in Melbourne’s western suburbs would be on jobs growth in the region.

“In the west there is a big focus on the manufacturing and automobile sector and we are passionate believers in the future of manufacturing and of auto,” he said.

“Our opponents seem to believe these are yesterday’s industries, but I don’t accept that. We are one of 12 countries in the world that can make a car from beginning to end. Let’s keep it that way.”

Mr Rudd said the federal government had already allocated more than $1.5 billion to Labor’s New Car Plan, a further assistance program for the industry, and would continue to support more than 250,000 employees who work in the sector across Australia.

Mr Rudd criticised the Liberal Party’s handling of the $8 billion east-west link and said if Labor was re-elected the project would be subject to an Infrastructure Australia analysis before any funding was allocated.

The crowd roared as Mr Rudd proclaimed Labor was a “party of the people.” “You are all the heart and soul of our party,” he said. “We will continue to fight for fair work, fair pay and fair conditions for all Australians.”