Focus on wealth creators a Brimbank focus

Attracting “wealth creators” to live and work in Brimbank will be a primary focus for new council administrator John Tanner.

The former National Party state and federal president, who replaces Peter Lewinsky on the council’s administrative panel, said he was excited about the chance to maintain the large strides Brimbank had made in recent years.

“Let’s hope we not only attract the industry but the managers [to Brimbank]; what I refer to as the wealth creators,” the businessman from Benalla said.

“One of the issues we have in the country is that it’s very hard to attract managers and so forth because they also require a job for their partners, who are normally in that upper level as well.

“[But] I see some great opportunities for people to relocate from other suburbs and come here. I like the diversity of the municipality.

“My biggest focus is to ensure my commitment leaves it in a far better position when it’s returned to an elected council [in March 2015].”

Mr Tanner said local government should do all it could to help businesses that create jobs. “Governments don’t create jobs. There’s only one person who creates a job and that’s a wealth creator, a person who actually backs it with money and makes it happen. As a local government we have to help facilitate that … making sure we’re working jointly.”

Mr Tanner, a member of the National Party’s federal management committee, said his political ties had greatly diminished.

“I’m not involved politically like I was. I’m connected with [the Nationals]. I still sit on the management board as such,” he said.

Mr Tanner said “transparent” community engagement was important. “If you have clear respect with your community, you’ll get it back.”