Errington Community Centre’s $6.2m redevelopment options

Two options for a $6.2 million redevelopment of the Errington Community Centre in St Albans have been presented to Brimbank council.

Planners have proposed the option of two linked buildings – a separate new one and a refurbished community centre – or a two-storey building including an extended and refurbished community centre.

Both plans would maintain the east-west Princess Street axis, linking St Albans Road through to the Errington Reserve Oval.

However, the first option would be built on an existing car park.

The centre is expected to be completed in 2016.

A council report found the two-storey option was more popular with reference groups.

But the council would have to consider whether funding for refurbishing of the existing centre could be brought forward from 2016-17 to 2015-16.

“[Option two] has high-level support and the significant advantages of being potentially easier to manage as a single facility and retaining the only designated council car park on the Errington Reserve site,” the report stated.

The St Albans Community City Co-operative has given the council $2.5 million for a performing arts space at the site.

The council has allocated $3.7 million over the next two financial years for the project, including $500,000 from the state government.

The council will consult the community about the possible renaming of the revamped centre – to the St Albans Community Centre at Errington.

The Office of Geographic Names has advised the council that the proposed name would not comply with its guidelines and suggested it be called the St Albans Community Centre.

However, the council’s suggested name could be used for marketing purposes.