EPA urges Boral to fix odours from Ravenhall facility

The EPA has urged Boral to fix the cause of odours at its Ravenhall facility as it experiences a “significant increase” in odour reports to its pollution hotline.

Calls have nominated Boral and Pinegro Composting in Ravenhall as the source of the odour, however the EPA has not been able to track a rise in odour.

“Pinpointing odours can be difficult, including tracking the exact source, because odours are generally temporary and subjective from person to person,” an EPA spokesperson said.

“For EPA to be able to take action against a business, the community needs to report strong and persistent odours at the time they are detected.

“Since September 2013 EPA has conducted 25 inspections in the Deer Park and Ravenhall area including four compliance inspections of the Boral Landfill, three compliance inspections of Pinegro Composting, two odour investigations and nine odour surveillance operations.

“As a result of the inspections and investigations, EPA has required both the landfill and the composter to fix the cause of the identified odours.”

Further strategic surveillance and compliance inspections are planned by EPA.