
Traffic plan falls short

Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews has made his contempt for the people of Melbourne’s west very clear by pledging to block construction of the western stage of the East West Link.

If he gets his way, the west will never get a second river crossing.

Apparently those travelling between the western suburbs and the city will just have to endure more congestion and delays under a Labor government.

It has been well documented that the West Gate Bridge carries more than 165,000 vehicles per day, a figure expected to rise to 235,000 a day
by 2031.

Mr Andrews asserts that his so-called West Gate distributor will solve the problem by taking 5000 trucks a day off the bridge. This is nonsense. Removing less than 3 per cent of traffic off the bridge will solve nothing.

His recent scorn for motorists in Melbourne’s west is all the more extraordinary, given that he has long spruiked a second crossing starting from the western side of Melbourne.

Labor cannot be trusted. It does not care about the west and has no plan to deal with the problem of traffic congestion.

Western Metropolitan Liberal

MP Bernie Finn