Tullamarine resident Jarrod Dwyer’s super effort

Meet Tullamarine’s very own superman.

Jarrod Dwyer will embrace his alter ego later this month when he takes on the Leukaemia Foundation’s “Sunflower Dash” to raise money for blood cancer research and support.

Mr Dwyer is no stranger to blood cancers after he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in May last year. “It took a couple of days for it to sink in,” he said. “I was scared. I guess as a 23-year-old, you don’t really ever worry about death or getting seriously ill, so that was a shock to the system.”

Mr Dwyer underwent 12 sessions of chemo- therapy and responded quickly to treatment, getting the all-clear five sessions in.

During his treatment, Mr Dwyer adopted a Superman attitude, and so it came as no surprise when he dressed up as the superhero to take part in last year’s Sunflower Dash.

Mr Dwyer was Victoria’s most successful fund-raiser, collecting more than $4000 in donations. This year, he plans to pull the cape on again as he, his family and girlfriend Amber complete the dash under the team name The Super Warriors.

The Leukaemia Foundation’s Sunflower Dash on June 29 is a 1.5-kilometre run starting in Kings Domain.

Visit www.sunflowerdash.org.au or call 1800 500 088 to sign up.