Former Catholic Regional College students fit for promising career

Two former Catholic Regional College students are transforming the next generation into budding personal trainers.

Stephanie Cicino and Jasmine Maljevac are the faces behind CRC Fit Personal Training, which opened its doors last week.

The new venture has been developed by Catholic Regional College Sydenham to train their VET sport and recreation students on site to obtain their VET certificate III in sport and recreation and become budding personal trainers.

Ms Cicino and Ms Maljevac, both 19, also train teachers, students and the general public in the state-of-the-art gym.

“I don’t know whether to call her Mrs or by her first name,” Ms Cicino laughed about a teacher she has just started training.

The qualified personal trainers, who received their VET sport and recreation certificate at CRC, said they were thrilled when the school approached them to head the venture.

The pair already have about 20 clients between them after their first week.

“It’s about getting a lot of people in here to see what we do and getting our name out there,” Ms Cicino said.

“People seem to like this more than your typical bigger gym.”

For more information on CRC Fit Personal Training, call manager Louie Trajcevski on 0432 240 493.