Ravenhall tip plan not on the nose, says resident

Brimbank and Melton residents should take responsibility for their own rubbish and not fall into line with a “questionable agenda driven by the few”, says a new Deer Park resident.

Supporting Boral’s plans to expand its Ravenhall landfill, the former Warrnambool resident, who asked to remain anonymous, told Star Weekly the extension was needed.

“I can’t believe the short-sightedness of the opponents of this Deer Park landfill extension,” he said.

“It [the rubbish] has to go somewhere guys. Usually Melbourne people expect that they can just dump it out in the country. Out of sight, out of mind.

“Take some responsibility, Melbourne people. You create it; deal with it within your boundaries.”

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The resident said he had not smelled anything coming from the Ravenhall tip during his two years living in the area. “Not a whiff,” he said. “This issue smells like a beat-up to me. Who is behind this beat-up? What is their real motive or agenda?”

During a visit to the site, Boral business manager Richard McCarthy said landfill operations employed about 20 staff and up to 40 contractors.

The resident said opposition to the landfill was well orchestrated and funded.

He said he had no connection with Boral or any of its employees and echoed the sentiments of Mr McCarthy who said the land could be reused for a “community benefit”.

A Stop The Tip spokesperson disputed the man’s claims. “It’s outrageous that this anonymous resident is so blatantly lying to a journalist, and it reeks of a Boral plant,” she said.

Another community meeting will be held from 7pm on Tuesday, May 20, at the Catholic Regional College in Caroline Springs. A public rally will also be held at the Melton Civic Centre from 6.30pm on Tuesday, May 27.