New lights to lighten council power costs

Up to $600,000 a year could be cut from Brimbank council’s electricity bills once energy-efficient street lighting is installed across the city.

Awarding a three-year contract for the supply of street-light electricity to ERM Power, corporate services manager Doris Cunningham said the rollout of environmentally-friendly bulbs could reduce the council’s costs by up to 40 per cent a year.

The council currently spends
$1.5 million a year on electricity for street and public lights.

“Once fully implemented, council could save between 30 and 40 per cent of its current energy use,” Ms Cunningham said. “It’s a significant cost saving.”

Acting infrastructure and
environment director Nick Mann said new bulbs would be installed across Brimbank in coming months.

“Council is on the cusp of upgrading 12,000 of its street lights with energy- efficient bulbs,” he said. “Over the next three years, the municipality’s street light heads will be replaced and upgraded, which will reduce council’s greenhouse gas emissions by a whopping 16 per cent.’’

Street light upgrades will occur in three stages.

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Ben Cameron