Brimbank council gets residents’ tick, but it can do better, survey shows

Seventy per cent of Brimbank residents believe the city’s council is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

It found people over 65, and in the 18-34 age bracket, were most pleased with the council’s performance last year.

Respondents rated the condition of local streets and footpaths, elderly support services and the appearance of public areas among the top five most important service areas.

Residents in the 35-49 age bracket were the most critical of council’s overall performance and direction.

The council registered small reductions in scores for community consultation, advocacy and overall council direction (the latter nine points higher than the state average and five more than the outer Melbourne metro average) compared to 2012’s results.

It improved its perceived performance in overall performance and customer service over the same period. Despite the council winning two leisure awards recently, and three parks awards in April, residents rated its performance in tourism, lobbying and business and community development the worst overall.

The council recorded its strongest results in customer service and waste management.

Chairman John Watson said the survey results showed the council was on the right track, but more work was needed.

“The survey also tells council the issues that are foremost in the minds of the community and in what areas it looks for improvement,” he said. “The survey tells us the community would like improvement in lobbying, business and community development and tourism. Council is determined to build on the survey results and work toward further improvement.”

The survey was conducted by phone between January 31 and March 11 and involved 400 residents aged 18 or older.