BULLDOGS IN FOCUS: Mitchell Honeychurch | My first six months

My first six months at the Western Bulldogs Football Club have been quite surreal, to say the least. After being selected with pick 60 in the national draft, I was quickly met with calls and texts from friends, family, coaches and players congratulating me on being drafted into the AFL. However, when I walked into the club on my first day, it was like nothing I ever imagined. 

My first few weeks at the club were a huge learning experience and it took me a while to feel comfortable in my new surroundings. It was full of training, weights, physio, meetings and a lot of recovering.

It seemed like all I was doing in my first few weeks was eating and sleeping. However, once I was settled in and accustomed to the new workload I knew that I was in for an experience that I would never forget.   

Before I knew it, the Christmas holidays were over and preseason training was in full swing. The workload increased, the weights got heavier and the recovery after sessions had never been so important. My aim after Christmas and the New Year was to stay out on the track as long as I could and try not to break down. Luckily enough for me I didn’t miss a session and it put me in good stead for my first AFL season. 

After a long preseason the practice matches and NAB Challenge matches were finally upon us.  I was lucky enough to be selected for matches against Fremantle and Carlton. Although they were only practice matches, it was fantastic to get out and play seniors for the first time and it was an experience that I will cherish and remember for a long time.

The first six months have been tiring, enjoyable, demanding and exciting. I am really enjoying my time at the Bulldogs and I hope I can continue to develop and learn so I can become a better footballer.



Mitchell Honeychurch | My first six months

Jordan Roughead | Still living the dream

Tom Campbell | Heartbeat of the West


Nothing like local support

Together, we will get better

Time to hang tough