Monmia Primary School: Ethan lays down the law, nicely

Monmia Primary School pupil Ethan Curwood got the chance to run the school last week when he became principal for a day.

The grade 6 pupil sat in on a leadership meeting, read to a prep class, met with the assistant principal, wrote a message for the school newsletter, performed yard duty and had to resolve a hypothetical problem during his day in the top job.

The 11-year-old was one of four school captains to put his hand up for the role, and was lucky to have his name drawn out of a hat.

“I wanted to see how it feels to step into the principal’s shoes,” he said. “Everyone’s calling me Mr Curwood. ”

Ethan, whose hobbies include football and cricket, hopes to become a physical education teacher. Monmia Primary School in Keilor Downs was one of 35 Victorian schools to take part in the national Student Principal For A Day event.