FLEMINGTON: Racecourse Road alcohol ban plan

Police have welcomed a move to ban drinking alcohol in public in Racecourse Road, Flemington, after a nightly curfew backfired.

Moonee Valley Council imposed a curfew from 9pm to 9am to stop people drinking in the streets before entering nightclubs or hotels four years ago.

But people have used the restriction signs to argue that they could drink in public during the day, according to police.

Senior Sergeant Steve Kehagias said it was “unfortunate” but people argued that the curfew signs meant they could drink in public during the day, but not at night.

Mr Kehagias supported the council decision last week to consult the public on a 24-hour alcohol ban in Racecourse Road, including Pridham Plaza.

He said the plaza was an area between shops with seating and a public toilet where people gathered to drink, especially in summer.

There were intoxicated people in the shopping strip who were “disruptive” and had created an unwelcoming environment that was costing traders business, he said.

Mr Kehagias said police were working with the Flemington Traders’ Association, which had requested a total ban on alcohol consumption in public.

Cr Nicole Marshall said people viewed the area where people were drinking as “unsafe, unpleasant and not a nice place to be”.

She said the blanket ban should be canvassed with traders and residents.

Cr Jim Cusack said he was keen to see Racecourse Road and its traders flourish but the street drinking was a considerable problem.

The ban would run along Racecourse Road from Rankins Road, past Pin Oak Crescent to McCall Reserve.

The council will consult with the public in July and August.