Keilor Park company flies minus pilots

Keilor Park-based aviation company Flight Data Systems has been awarded a $25,000 state innovation grant to expand the use of unmanned planes and helicopters in the civilian market.

State Manufacturing Minister David Hodgett announced the grant on a recent visit to the internationally recognised aerospace company’s McGregors Drive headquarters.

The grant, officially known as a Business Research and Development Voucher, will also enable the company to develop and test emergency parachute recovery equipment.

The state government will also facilitate a partnership with specialised academics from RMIT University.

The company’s executive director for unmanned systems, Peggy MacTavish, said it would work with one of Australia’s most advanced researchers in unmanned systems, Dr Reece Clothier, to improve technology
for the safe and improved use of pilotless aircraft.

She said moving into unmanned systems was a natural progression for the Australian-owned company.