Jobs the icing on the cake as new mobile app stars work

A mobile app which creates 3D animations of birthday cakes is tipped to create new jobs in Melbourne’s west.

The Cakes Alive! app, launched last Wednesday by Ferguson Plarre bakehouse, uses augmented reality technology and specialised images in cake decorations, enabling 3D animations to appear to ‘burst’ out of the icing when viewed and photographed through mobile devices.

“What’s more fun than bringing magic to birthday cakes?” Ferguson Plarre manager Steve Plarre said.

“[It’s about] developing something that uses your favourite device – your phone – and bringing your favourite thing to eat – your cake – to life.”

Manufacturing Minister David Hodgett said Cakes Alive!, which took 12 months to develop, would provide business expansion and employment growth through franchise opportunities and growing customer demand.

“For bakeries and cake shops, not just Ferguson Plarre, there’ll be opportunities for them to grow. Much of the Ferguson Plarre workforce is local, so there’s a bright future for employment.”

Mr Plarre said the free app would not drive local cake-makers out of business but encourage them to adopt the new technology.

“It has the capacity for us to potentially create products using … [the] technology and potentially sell to some companies in Australia that are currently buying cakes from overseas.

“We’ve got the capacity to bring jobs back to Australia. I know that sounds like a big thing, but it’s potentially the tip of the iceberg.”

Cake decorations that can be used with the app are available in three designs at Ferguson Plarre outlets.