Keilor Vogue in the Village: Women kick goals for football club

The men of Keilor Football Club took a back seat on Wednesday night as the women took over.

The club hosted Vogue in the Village, a fashion show to raise money for its coffers.

One of the show’s organisers, Jody Morris, said it had exceeded expectations with about $9000 raised.

“It was absolutely amazing and we got so much great feedback,” she said. “The event was sold out three weeks before.

“We showcased five boutiques, with the wives, mothers and girlfriends of the players stepping on the runway as models.

“The women ranged in age from 20 to 50 and none of them had done anything like it before.”

Ms Morris said club president Craig Teal was impressed.

“He said this is what we need at the club . . . we need more women involved,” she said. “If the women feel welcome at the club, they’re more likely to let the men spend time there, too.”

While the focus was on the women, the men weren’t totally excluded.

“We had 10 of the players act as waiters and they sold raffle tickets on the night,” said Ms Morris.

“When we had rehearsal the day before, they didn’t really listen to what we were saying and we didn’t know what to expect.

“But on the night they did a good job and all of them said it was really good to help out.

“At the end of the night, women were paying money to have photos with the players.”

Ms Morris said plans were already under way for a similar event next year.