Bright gowns for sick children at Sunshine Hospital

Children at Sunshine Hospital can flaunt some style even when they’re sick, thanks to a unique partnership between the Department of Justice and Western Health.

Female offenders on community-based orders in the western suburbs have sewn more than 20 colourful hospital gowns for the children’s ward at Sunshine Hospital as part of the Hospital Gowns for Kids program.

The new gowns were delivered to the hospital last week, with another 80 expected by the end of this year.

Western Health perioperative services manager Bronwyn Menadue said the new hospital gowns were a bright and happy alternative to the standard-issue plain gowns.

“Every day, the Sunshine Hospital admits children for treatment and they need to be as calm and reassured as possible,” Ms Menadue said.

“The gowns help make a time that is very scary for them a little less so.”

Stephen Cadman, of the Department of Justice, added: “Sewing these gowns provided a tangible benefit to sick children and the offenders found great satisfaction in taking part.”

Mr Cadman said offenders on community-based orders could take part in a variety of projects to repay their debt to the community, such as removing graffiti, cooking and knitting.