MELBOURNE: Icy winds send chill through city

Windswept Melburnians will be holding onto their hats for the rest of Friday, with blustering gales and showers forecast into the weekend. 

The wind put a shiver through commuters on Friday, with the city temperature dropping to 1.3 degrees at 8am, once wind chill had been taken into account. 

Bureau of Meteorology duty forecaster Rob Dickson said Melbourne had a windy night and could expect more of the same. 

“Gusts were up around the 60 kilometre mark in most areas and it’s going to be a windy day, with fresh and gusty northerly winds,” he said. 

“Most of the gusts will be around the 60km/h mark, or maybe a touch over.”

Mr Dickson said there was a chance of showers in the evening, setting the tone for the rest of the weekend. 

“There’s a low-pressure system west of Tasmania that’s going to move up the Bass Strait early on Saturday, and there’s a chance we’ll see a shower or two develop this evening ahead of that low,” he said.  

He said showers forecast for Saturday would be mostly isolated in the eastern suburbs, which could receive up to 15 millimetres of rain. 

Showers are also expected on Sunday. 

The bureau has forecast a top of 14 degrees on Friday, and 15 on Saturday and Sunday, with rain clearing on Monday.