Brimbank work injury claims top $180 million

Brimbank workers claimed more than $180 million for workplace accidents and injuries over five years.

Latest figures obtained from the Victorian WorkCover Authority reveal Brimbank workers made 2736 claims between the financial years of 2008-09 and 2012-13, amounting to $183.9 million in payouts.

Workers can claim for medical costs, wages and any other expenses incurred after a workplace injury that forces them to take at least 10 days off work, or where costs exceed $580.

The bulk of Brimbank claims related to musculoskeletal injuries, with 1030 claims amounting to $88.7 million in compensation.

Mental disorders ($21.2 million), joint and ligament injuries ($20.1 million) and fractures ($19 million) were also common workplace injuries.

Workers in the manufacturing and health care industries made the most claims, with a combined $66.1 million injury bill.

Victorian WorkCover Authority executive director of health and safety Len Neist said he was pleased the number of workplace injuries in Brimbank had dropped from 598 in 2009-10 to 477 in 2012-13. But he warned workers and employers not to get complacent.

Taylors Hill resident Anthony Attard died in an industrial accident in May when he was crushed onboard a ship at a Port Melbourne shipping facility.

In December 2012, a 50-year-old man died in hospital after he was struck by a reversing loader at a Brooklyn concrete recycling yard.

“We encourage employers and employees to continue to work together to identify workplace hazards and then eliminate or reduce the risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable,’’ Mr Neist said.

“Workplace safety should be everyone’s priority.”