At just 15 years old, Quinn has launched an innovative local enterprise, Quinntessential Oddities.
Quinnisodd.com is an online store featuring quirky fidget toys, 3D-printed goods and convenient charging solutions for phones and other electronics.
Quinn’s journey began with a cherished memory.
“When I was seven, my dad introduced me to star gazing. He wanted to build a telescope and that sparked my interest in engineering. It’s a memory I cherish,” Quinn recalled.
This early experience sparked a lifelong fascination with science and problem-solving.
Quinn is driven by an unyielding curiosity and love of all things STEM.
“I’ve been working on a theory I call the ‘Mills Theory of Critical Time and Distance’,” Quinn explained.
“It’s my way of trying to explain some quantum properties of photons. I’m still working on it, but it’s exciting.”
Being neurodivergent, Quinn advocates for more inclusivity in education to help autistic young people thrive.
“Schools need to create spaces where our needs are met — quiet areas for focus and opportunities to work on things we’re passionate about,” he said.
Quinn’s journey to Global Village Learning (GVL) marked a turning point after feeling unsupported in a traditional school environment. Upon arrival, Quinn was captivated by the GVL maker space surrounded by tools like a 3D printer and laser cutter.
Through trial and error, ‘tinkering’ and experimentation, Quinn became a self-taught expert.
“Failures aren’t failures to me — they’re opportunities. If something’s not working, I think, ‘This is an opportunity to learn something new.’ It’s a mindset I’ve developed, and it’s helped me grow,” Quinn reflected.
Quinn is an embodiment of GVL’s vision to create an environment that’s not a school, but a supportive environment in which young people can be the drivers of their own futures.
The Pathways and Futures Hub is the brand new senior program, providing young people aged 15–20 with a space to explore passions and prepare for life beyond school. Whether focusing on internships, entrepreneurial ventures, or further studies, the program’s personalised approach empowers each learner to take control of their unique path.
To learn more about how GVL empowers young people to create their futures, visit gvl.vic.edu.au/pathways-futures