Sunshine work full steam ahead

Sunshine station. (Damjan Janevski) 298125_02

Gerald Lynch

Works are under way for the rebuild of Sunshine Station, which will increase access to Melbourne Airport and act as groundwork for the delayed rail link project.

An investment of $63.5 million is going toward the rebuild, including additional platforms, and track and bridge works.

The upgrades are the first step in the Melbourne Airport Rail Link project, which has commitments of $5 billion each from state and federal government.

The reconfiguration is set to untangle the station which is currently complex, with the station in the heart of Melbourne’s west servicing metro, freight, and more than 70 per cent of the V/Line networks, ranging from Geelong, Bendigo, and Ballarat.

The upgrade will increase capacity for additional services from Wyndham Vale and allow for future electrified trains to run from Melton. It will also enable six trains per hour to the airport.

The development works will be delivered alongside the state government’s Sunshine Station Precinct Masterplan upgrade which includes a new bus interchange and pedestrian connections.

Brimbank council acting chief executive Lynley Dumble said council was thrilled with the announcement, but it far from solves everything.

“This is a win for Brimbank and a significant step towards establishing Sunshine as the economic powerhouse of the west and one of the satellite CBDs of Melbourne,” she said.

“It is encouraging to see all levels of government working together to rebuild and redevelop Sunshine Station into a transport superhub.

“However, the question remains, why delay the Melbourne Airport Rail? The sooner works commence, the sooner the return on investment will be realised.”

Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said this was a crucial step in delivering the airport rail.

Maribyrnong MP Bill Shorten said the works are a strong sign of growth in the west.

“The development of Sunshine Station is the next step in securing the airport rail link that will be great for the north west of Melbourne, and all Victorians,” he said.

According to the government, rebuilding Sunshine Station to accommodate services to the airport, as well as future upgrades of the network including the Melton electrification, will save time and cost for locals, businesses and commuters throughout the west.