Outdoor dining return on the cards


Eddie Russell

Melton council is looking into stronger safety measures for the return of outdoor dining spaces on Caroline Springs Boulevard.

A range of potential measures, such as the installation of safety bollards and the deployment of additional traffic and pedestrian safety infrastructure, are being explored.

This comes after a motion, raised by councillor Steve Abboushi, passed at the most recent Melton council meeting in May.

Cr Abboushi said the project will not only bring a financial boost to the strip but reinforce the safety of the community.

“It helps facilitate more people spending locally,” he said.

“It’s going to bring more foot traffic, but more importantly it’s going to create safe access to local pedestrians, including the schoolkids from over the road to safely cross using the pedestrian access.”

The widening of footpaths is part of the Caroline Springs Boulevard Pedestrian Signals Project which aims to improve pedestrian connectivity and safety within the town centre.

The works, which are set to commence in early June and take around three months, will take place between College Street and Lake Street.

Cr Abboushi said extending the pavement will allow businesses the space to have permanent outdoor dining.

“The boulevard has now become a destination in our municipality so we want to support our local businesses to continue to thrive,” he said.

“It creates further opportunity to look at beautifying [the area]… and work with the traders to create a space that’s equally as vibrant as it was with the parklets.”

Temporary dining booths were installed at the front of restaurants in 2020 to help with COVID social distancing laws.

Enhancing the safety of outdoor dining areas in relation to vehicle traffic is emphasised by the fact that more than 26,000 vehicles use Caroline Springs Boulevard every day.

Cr Abboushi said the investigation will conclude “very soon”, with the outcomes found to be presented at a future briefing of councillors.