STATE: East West Connect wins East West Link contract

The East West Connect consortium has been chosen as the preferred bidder to deliver the first stage of Napthine government’s signature East West Link road project.

The state government has begun final negotiations over the project’s $6 to $8 billion contract with the consortium, which comprises Capella Capital, Lend Lease, Acciona and Bouygues.

Treasurer Michael O’Brien said the group had significant experience in delivering projects of a similar size.

“Following an extensive evaluation process, the Victorian government will now enter into exclusive negotiations with East West Connect to deliver what is one of the world’s largest infrastructure projects currently out to tender.”

Mr O’Brien said he was limited by what he could say because the tender process was still “live”.

“There are not only contractual issues to be resolved with the bidder but also planning decisions that the planning minister still has to make before all these matters can be finalised,” he said.

He said he was “very pleased” with the design put forward by the consortium, and its proposal for the $6 to $ 8 billion project was within budget.

“We do expect this project to go ahead, to be delivered on time, to be delivered on budget.”

More details would be released once it was “commercially safe”, he said.

He said the project’s assessment committee unanimously recommended the East West Connect consortium because it  provided “the best overall package for Victorians”.

The government expects it will begin building the eastern section of the toll road this year.

Mr O’Brien defended the government’s decision to sign the contract just weeks before the November state election.

“We were elected to fix the problems and build for the future. Building the east west link is about building for Victoria’s future,” he said.

East West Link protesters will rally out the front of Lend Lease’s Docklands office on Wednesday in response to the state government’s announcement.