Rotary to recognise community champions

Representatives from Rotary Caroline Springs with Caroline Springs CFA firefighter Ryan Baker. (Provided)

This International Men’s Day (IMD), Rotary Caroline Springs are taking time to recognise community champions,

On Friday, November 17, two days before IMD, Rotary are hosting a fundraising dinner at The Club, Caroline Springs.

Local organisations will have the opportunity to nominate people within their ranks and have them acknowledge their contribution and achievements.

Caroline Springs Rotary member Ronald Moss said the dinner will recognise the many champions within Caroline Springs and surroundings suburbs.

“All volunteer organisations that give back to our community are champions. No matter how small, we recognise them all,” he said.

The awards dinner will focus on the theme “Healthy Men, Healthy World”, in line with the Australian Men’s Health Forum for International Men’s Day.

According to the IMD website, a key aim is to highlight some of the social issues that men and boys face, including the surprising fact that 50 Australian men a day are dying from preventable causes before they reach the age of 75.

Australia is one of the healthiest and wealthiest countries in the world and yet men born in Australia die an average of seven years younger than women born in Australia.

Sometimes referred to as the “gender health gap”, this disparity in health outcomes includes the fact that men and boys account for three in four suicides, four in five heart disease deaths under 75, three in four alcohol-related deaths, three in four road deaths, 96 per cent of workplace deaths and 70 per cent of deaths in young people aged 15 to 34.

The net proceedings from the event will be donated to a charity working for the betterment of community health.

For details call Mr Moss.

Details: 0403 821 959 or