Keeping Brimbank beautiful


Community organisation, Western Emergency Relief Network (WERN) has been recognised for its achievements by being shortlisted for the 2023 Tidy Towns and Cities Sustainability Awards.

The awards run by Keep Australia Beautiful recognise, celebrate and share environmental achievements and strong community spirit across Victoria.

From 132 entries, 70 projects have been shortlisted across 10 categories.

Western Emergency Relief Network (WERN) is shortlisted for the Community Award.

WERN is a volunteer-run organisation that provides emergency relief and assistance through its member welfare agencies.

Its primary service is providing material aid, including furniture, appliances and bedding to people in need.

WERN moved to a new facility in Ravenhall last year, and has been able to dramatically increase its services.

Since the move, WERN has helped provide for about 1400 families, and increased demand for its services has seen it go from providing an average of 11 to 35 items for clients.

WERN administration manager Ross Butterworth said the success of reaching the nomination stage reflects the work of the volunteers.

“We’ve got over 50 volunteers contributing to this program who have put in over 26,000 hours since the program started. That deserves recognition and that’s what this nomination provides,” he said.

Brimbank council’s My Smart Garden project has also been shortlisted for the Community Award.

The project is a free sustainable gardening program that invites locals to learn how to grow food, shelter their homes from the sun and wind, create homes for local wildlife, use water wisely and recycle waste.

Shortlisted entries include initiatives that have tackled waste reduction, energy efficiency, wellbeing, positive Indigenous outcomes, and community engagement, exemplifying the innovative and impactful approaches taken to promote sustainability.

Finalists in each category will be revealed on September 13 and the winners announced at the Tidy Towns and Cities Awards Ceremony, held at ZINC in Federation Square on October 23.