STATE: Rosie Batty named Victorian of the Year

Domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty was named Victorian Australian of the Year at an awards ceremony on Tuesday night.

Ms Batty, whose 11-year-old son, Luke, was murdered by his father Greg Anderson at cricket practice in Tyabb in February, was recognised for her courage in speaking out against family violence.

She received a standing ovation when she was named as the Victorian of the Year.

“I can normally talk quite well but I’m speechless tonight,” she said.

“Luke would be proud of me, but as a 12-year-old boy would be embarrassed. He’d say ‘Mum, it’s not a good look’.

“But I’m here because of Luke and I’m here because one on three women is affected by family violence. And one in four children.

“It’s quite conflicting for me in this situation to be so recognised … What has made it easier is every day I receive messages from people saying how much of a difference it makes to their lives with me talking and raising awareness.

“There’s a long, long way to go before their journey is recorded, validated, supported. My journey is nothing unique. What made it unique is the worst happened.”

She said domestic violence must not stay behind closed doors.

“I didn’t want Luke to have died in vain and my quest was to do whatever I could,” she said. 

“My commitment is I will continue to push this message. I accept this award for all victims of violence who have no voice.”

Ms Batty said she was not expecting to win. “I thought other people are more deserving. I guess it’s so easy to see other peoples strengths and accolades before you see your own,” she said.

“I was very overwhelmed … in a way that I hadn’t expected to be, and maybe in a way that I haven’t been since Luke died. It is a real honour.”

Of her son, Ms Batty said: “Luke liked to be the funny guy, known as a funny person, and he was. We had fun together.”

“He had a lot of integrity and a lot of honesty, and he would have been a really good man.”

In the hours following her son’s death, Ms Batty made a heartfelt speech to the media detailing her 11-year battle as a victim of family violence.

“I want to tell everybody that family violence happens to everybody, no matter how nice your house is, how intelligent you are,” she said at the time. “It happens to anyone and everyone.”

Since then, Ms Batty has championed efforts to fight domestic violence, calling for an overhaul of the court system and criticising systemic failings and a “lack of leadership” in dealing with the problem. 

Her actions have prompted speculation that she may also be considering entering politics, but she was non-committal on Tuesday night.

“I don’t know what the future holds for me,” she said.

“All I know is I don’t have Luke anymore and I have to do something that gets me up in the morning and gives me a sense of purpose and direction. It could be politics, it may not be.

“I have to work out the most effective way of making a difference.”

An inquest into Luke’s death that is underway in Melbourne has heard there were four arrest warrants out for  Anderson at the time of Luke’s murder. Intervention orders were also in place against him.

The National Australia Day Council on Tuesday said Ms Batty had risen above personal tragedy to shine a spotlight on domestic violence.

“Rosie’s story jolted Australia into recognising that family violence can happen to anyone and she has given voice to many thousands of victims of domestic violence who had until then remained unheard,” the council said.

“Her incredible strength and selfless efforts are an inspiration to many other victims of domestic violence, while her courage and willingness to speak out will make Australia a far better and safer place.”

Other Victorians honoured at the ceremony included neurologist  Sam Berkovic, AC, who received the Victorian Senior Australian of the Year award for his research into epilepsy spanning 25 years.

Thomas King, 18, was named Victorian Young Australian of the Year for his work educating consumers about unsustainable palm oil and raising money for rainforest conservation.

Louise Davidson, who co-founded the Mother’s Day Classic walk-run, received the Victorian Local Hero award for her work as a breast cancer fund-raiser. 

Chief Justice Marilyn Warren paid tribute to the recipients.

“Each of the Victorian recipients have not only demonstrated excellence in their field but have significantly contributed to the benefit of our vibrant and dynamic community,” she said.

Premier Denis Napthine said the finalists were symbolic of the many Victorians who made a difference in promoting social justice, equality, leadership and medical research across the state.  

“They epitomise what we need in our society to make our society richer, stronger, better,” he said.

“The stories of these finalists are stories of excellence, stories of great achievement. But most importantly they’re stories of of individuals simply wanting to make a difference.”

The Victorian award recipients will join recipients from across Australia as finalists for the national awards, which will be announced on January 25 in Canberra.