Roadrunners making inroads

Emily Smith addressed her side. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 333197_36

Momentum is growing for North Sunshine off field in the Western Region Football League, with the next step to be competitive on field.

After a tough off season where the club struggled for numbers, the Roadrunners are starting to see the benefits of changes behind the scenes.

Roadrunners president Andrew Scimone said there had been a significant change at the club in the off season.

“Things are going well behind the scenes,” he said.

“The culture has changed and a lot of people are commenting on that change. Presidents from other clubs are saying they are likely the change.

“It is a challenge and there’s people who don’t like change so it will take some time. The new boys who have come on board have been good and we’re moving forward.”

Scimone said the club was now a place that people wanted to spend more time at.

“Last year we were getting 20 people to Thursday night dinners, but things have changed,” he said.

“We’re now getting 60 to 70 on Thursday nights. They want to stay around for a chat and sticking around after games more.”

After struggling to get 20 players on the track in the off season for their men’s side, they now have 58 players with 30 to 40 on the track each night.

They are also getting good numbers on the track for their women’s side with 20 players training regularly.

Scimone said for the men’s side it was always going to take some time to gel.

“We have a list of 58 and about 12 are from last year, there’s a whole lot of new boys.

“It’s hard to get everyone on the same page. [Coach] Max [De Groot] is doing his best.

The women’s side is playing under Collingwood player Emily Smith this season.

Smith, who played juniors at the Roadrunners, has returned to help her junior club.

“We love having her around the club, she brings a lot of experience,” Scimone said.

“We have some new talent in the squad and it’s about teaching them the basics to get everyone understanding football.

Both Roadrunners teams were winless entering the weekend’s matches, which were after deadline.

The men’s were set to play Albanvale, while the women’s side had a bye.

Scimone said both sides were keen to continue to improve throughout the season.

“We want to get competitive in both the men’s and women’s,” he said.

“I’ve told them even if it’s for a quarter or two quarters it’s a stepping stone.

“Even if they are 100 points down they are still fighting for it, it’s all we can ask for.

“We do what we can and next year we’ll be better and better the year after that.”

This week the Roadrunners’ men’s side has a bye and the women face Wyndhamvale.