Funding to stop violence against women with disabilities

Women with Disabilities Victoria welcome new funding boost.

Workers in the family violence prevention and disability sectors will be better equipped with the skills to prevent violence against women with disabilities thanks to a funding boost to Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV).

The state government will invest $1.8 million to support the expanded delivery of its Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program, which gives workers the skills to prevent violence against women with disabilities.

Since it began in 2017, the program has offered training and professional development to more than 900 participants from disability, social services, local government, prevention and carer workforces.

WDV has worked with 12 women with disabilities in paid employment as specialist disability-inclusion consultants to a range of organisations and has facilitated a state wide Community of Practice for prevention.

WDV also partnered with Our Watch to produce an innovative, evidence-based resource titled Changing the Landscape, to guide the prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities.

Women with Disabilities Victoria is the only women-focused, human rights-based disability organisation in the state.

Women with Disabilities Victoria chief executive Nadia Mattiazzo said that this funding will allow WDV to continue with their vital work

“It is indeed very heartening to know that the Victorian Government and Minister [Ros] Spence see the immense value of the work which WDV is doing in this space,” Ms Mattiazzo said.