Jacobsen new Keilor bowls coach

Secretary Bob Duddington, Mark Jacobsen and president Joe Watkins.

Tara Murray

The timing is right for former Australian player Mark Jacobsen to finally join Keilor Bowls Club.

Having been approached by the club in the past, the Commonwealth Games gold medallist has signed on as playing-coach for the next three seasons.

Jacobsen, who played 400 games for Victoria, said it was pretty special to be on board at Keilor.

“I go back to my mother in law and father in law who played at Keilor many years ago, both champions,” he said.

“It’s nice to come here and I always pop past, my kids play at the Keilor footy club as well.

“I’ve known the guys for a long time.

“It was nice that I got the phone call to come out and help them out. I’m really looking forward to it, I think it’s going to be a challenge.”

While having an extensive playing career, Jacobsen has also coached for the last 20 years. He said that Keilor had some good players at the club, it was about helping them get to the next level.

“I’ve been coaching for a long time,” he said. “It’s always nice to know when the phone keeps ringing that I’m doing something right.

“My previous club was obviously Port Melbourne and we won the division 2 flag there, we won the whole lot.

“I’d been there four years, it was time for me to move on. This opportunity came up, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Jacobsen said it was nice to be offered a three season contract, as it allowed them to really build something.

He said he was also keen to get out on the greens for Keilor.

“They certainly haven’t got me for my looks,” he joked. “I’m passionate and I had a great year last year going through undefeated in division 2.

“I want to come here and hopefully spread across the board and bring some of the good players on and the ones who are struggling a bit, to also bring them on a bit.

“Hopefully we can be competitive.”

Jacobsen said he was already on the phones trying to recruit some players to help boost the side. He said ideally they would like to add at least four or five.

Having made finals in the Bowls Victorian weekend pennant division 2 last season, Jacobsen is keen to build on that.

“I’m really looking forward to the challenge and some talent here to work on and it’s just a matter of time and effort into practice and we hopefully get to the heights we can get to.

“There are encouraging signs. Hopefully we can make finals and see what happens from there.”