Cooking vital experiences

The Youth Food Project is providing opportunities for young people. (Supplied)

Young people in Brimbank are cooking up a storm as part of an interaction cooking program.

The Youth Food Project, which is run by the Young Christian Workers,is for Brimbank residents aged between 15 and 35 which aims to address concerns young people have for the environment, while building independent life skills, reflecting on the cost of living and rising food costs and reducing social isolation, which many young people are feeling following the pandemic.

Each session they prepare a meal together and then eat it together, while having a conversation about the skills they’ve learned and the issues they are facing.

The project’s Nicole Mugford said the project had been running for more than a year having previously had sessions in 2018-19 and online during COVID. The project runs in St Albans.

“Young people have loved being able to connect with other young people in the area, and to get to know people while cooking together,” she said.

“Some young people have commented that the young food project is the only time they eat vegetables, they can’t afford to buy healthy food regularly, so they appreciate the nutritious meal and getting to take any leftovers home.

“The confidence in young people has been a real highlight to watch as participants get more confident on their knife skills and cooking, some young people needed a lot of supervision in early sessions, and are now getting alongside other participants and showing them how to safely prepare the food.”

She said support workers, community workers and youth workers have been really positive about YFP and how it is impacting the local community, and they have seen many participants with disabilities come along with their support worker as a way of connecting and introducing vulnerable young people to a community of people who can support them develop these skills.
