Fix the park

Brimbank Park, Keilor. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 251763_01

Tara Murray

It’s a case of ‘groundhog day’ in relation to access concerns at Brimbank Park according to local councillors.

Councillor Virginia Tachos raised a notice of motion about her and community concerns about maintenance and long standing access issues at the park.

She also called for state government intervention in removing debris as a result of last year’s Maribyrnong River flooding.

Cr Tachos has raised her concerns about the park previously.

“Council and community members have been raising concerns with the lack of response from the impact of last year’s flood event, resulting in extensive amounts of debris restricting access across sections of the Maribyrnong River Trail throughout Brimbank Park,” she said.

“Council and community members have been raising the serious issue of lack of access to Brimbank Park after rain events, which flood the access fords in the Maribyrnong River and make access unsafe, for many, many years.

“Council and community members have been raising ongoing concerns when the fords are flooded the only way to access Brimbank Park is by car given there is currently no public transport access to Brimbank Park. Not everyone has access to a car.

“Council and community members have been raising concerns with the lack of maintenance of facilities at Brimbank Park, including toilets, rotunda and playgrounds, creating an unsafe amenity resulting in reduced usage.”

Cr Tachos motion also called for state government ministers to allocate funding to construct an appropriate pedestrian bridge which would provide year round access, along with providing a master plan to turn it into a key destination.

Councillor Maria Kerr said it was like groundhog day.

“I feel like every three or four months bringing this matter to a head,” she said. “I’m calling on the state government to stop the neglect of Brimbank Park.

“It has sat stagnant for the last 25 years, nothing has changed, nothing has been upgraded.”

Parks Victoria district manager Craig Bray said visitors will soon enjoy upgrades to various areas across Brimbank Park including upgraded signage and toilets, installation of new shelters, barbecues and picnic tables. Works are set to begin in April.

“Parks Victoria is aware of local community feedback regarding pedestrian access to Brimbank Park and across the Maribyrnong River,’ Mr Bray said.

A Melbourne Water spokesperson said Melbourne Water has undertaken significant work to improve the environmental values within the park.

“We have a project underway to improve vegetation along the Maribyrnong river and we have installed three fishways to facilitate the migration of native fish between the saltwater and freshwater parts of the river.”