Sculpture maps out growth

Melton mayor Lara Carli and artist Jade Oakley standing in front of the new sculpture.

A new sculpture is providing a place of shelter and play at the heart of The Avenue Park in Caroline Springs.

Titled Second Nature, the sculpture by Jade Oakley plays on the theme of growth.

Led by public art specialist consultants, T-Projects, the sculpture is an interactive and practical piece, with drawings gathered at community arts workshops etched in the pathways, leading you to the sculptural landmark in the centre of the playground.

These drawings tell the story of growth on the site, progressively changing from growth patterns found in nature to the pattern of community growth through the drawings of maps.

The sculpture takes the form of two large leaves on a steel stem, with the veins of the leaves depicting a map of Caroline Springs.

Oakley said she strives to make artworks that are visually integrated with their site.

“I feel strongly that public sculpture should have a strong thematic relationship with the natural or cultural history of its setting,” she said.

Melton mayor Lara Carli said Second Nature brings together play, art and practical design “into a beautiful sculpture”.