Riding 2 school is fun

Albion Primary school students Noah, Mohammad, Sam, William and Charlie with their bikes. (Damjan Janevski). 321081_03

For Albion Primary School, national ride2 school day has become much bigger.

The school started encouraging their students to ride a bike to school on March 24 in 2020.

The school now has monthly wheels and walk to school days.

Physical education teacher Marita Ryan said riding bikes, skateboards and rollerblades now become something the students look forward to.

“We first did it before lockdown in 2020,” she said. “In 2019 we put in some new bike racks.

“They really turn out and support it. Last year we got an active school grant and were able to get some equipment to set up a skills and athletic track.

“It was silly only using it once a year, so we do our own one once a month.”

Ms Ryan said they have 20 students normally involved in the monthly events, while normally have about 50 on ride2 school day.

Ms Ryan’s advice to parents or students thinking about riding to school for the first time is to Check your bike over before you ride to school, get all of your equipment ready a day or two before and just give it a go, “as I’m sure you will enjoy the experience”.