Keith Miller’s childhood home for sale

Rachel, Matthew and Maeva Martin with Keith Miller's old house (Chris Avery, Urbaneye Photography)

Tara Murray

The childhood house for Australian cricket legend Keith Miller is on the market in Sunshine.

Rachel Martin and her family are selling the house, with Ms Martin saying there was a tinge of sadness as they part ways with the house at 29 Benjamin Street.

“We knew when we brought the house that it was a massive thing,” she said.

“When we looked through the house there was a book about Keith in the house. He was born in the front room.

“We won it at a lively auction seven or eight years ago, and now we are moving to be closer to our family and friends.”

“It’s a classic Victorian Terrace house, there’s only five in Sunshine.”

Miller lived in Sunshine in his young years before his family moved to Elsternwick. Miller played both cricket and football in Sunshine before moving, playing both sports at the highest level.

Miller played 55 test matches for Australia, while also playing 50 matches for St Kilda in the old Victorian Football League.

The house will be open for inspection every Saturday throughout March, with Ms Martin hoping that the history might attract a few cricket fans to come have a look or even buy the house.

The book that was there when they purchased the house will be on show.

She admits that they weren’t the biggest cricket fans, but understand the significance of the property.

“There’s a lot of cricket fans in the area,” she said. “There’s an oval named after him at Parsons Reserve which is nearby.

“We just hope the house gets the attention it deserves.”