Runway maintenance under way

Crews are carrying out maintenance work on Melbourne Airport's north-south runway. (Supplied)

Work on Melbourne Airport’s runway maintenance program is continuing, with the project moving into a new phase of works.

The project involves replacing about 2500 metres of pavement on the existing north-south runway as part of maintenance undertaken every decade or so to ensure the runway can continue to support heavy aircraft operations.

Melbourne Airport said the runway is the longest of Melbourne Airport’s two existing runways and supports the bulk of long-haul international fights.

Melbourne Airport chief of aviation Jim Parashos said the new phase of work is being undertaken on the intersection of the two runways, which will result in the temporary shortening of the north-south runway at night-time, five nights a week.

“Throughout February, we will be working on the intersection of the two runways during our night-time closures. This means that the north-south runway is temporarily shortened overnight, which slightly changes the way that aircraft land and take off from the north-south runway,” he said.

“This may have some temporary noise impacts on nearby communities. Noise impacts may be lessened for neighbours to the north, but areas to the south may experience some additional temporary noise during this short works period.

“We have strategically scheduled some heavy aircraft types, such as A380s, to arrive and depart earlier or later than the night-time closures, due to operational limitations on the east-west runway. This will have the added benefit of minimising overnight impacts to nearby communities.”

The work on the runway intersection will occur during February for about a month, as well as in May. The full runway maintenance program started in November last year and will continue until around September.

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