More rooftop solar for Brimbank


Max Hatzoglou

Households and businesses across the west, including those in Brimbank, are using more rooftop solar power than ever before.

Electricity distributor Powercor says the number of households with rooftop solar in western Victoria increased by 16% in 2021 to 175,000 in the Powercor region.

They also said that since June, greater than 90% of these new connections have been able to export excess solar into the Powercor network.

CitiPower and Powercor General Manager Electricity Networks, Mark Clarke, said

“We’re working to build a crucial gateway to a clean energy future by providing seamless access to our networks and new value for all customers,” Mr Clarke said.

“These solar enablement works allow our customers to export their excess solar, while also supporting Victoria to reduce emissions and increase the use of clean energy generated by customers at home.”