Landfill sufferers dealt another blow

Landfill (Damjan Janevski) 231116_10

By Max Hatzoglou

Kealba residents surrounding the Barro landfill underground fires have been dealt another blow, as the community were recently made aware of the Environmental Protection Authority’s decision to withdraw their objection to the landfill.

A monthly community forum held by Barro Group on March 4 revealed the news to locals, who were left stunned and frustrated by the EPA’s decision.

The Barro landfill has had spot fires burning underground for almost two and a half years, causing bad smells for residents, who are unaware of what is being burnt and being polluted.

Anna Jezierksi, a member of the Brimbank Community Against Barro Landfill group, said it was infuriating to hear the EPA withdraw their objection to a landfill that was causing significant community issues.

“We’re just so frustrated that there’s absolutely no communication with the EPA,” Ms Jezierksi said, who lives 200 metres away from Barro landfill.

After finding out about the EPA’s withdrawal, Ms Jezierksi emailed the EPA to get some answers and they replied saying they would try to orgainise a meeting for the community to provide further information.

The issues from the burning landfill have caused ongoing issues for nearby residents.

“November 2019 was when we first noticed the odor smell and since then it’s almost been daily,” she said.

“For me personally, I get headaches and quite nauseous.

“We can’t go outside, open windows, open doors because of the smell itself.

Asked what her message would be to the EPA, Ms Jezierksi said:

“First of all, establish some sort of communication with your community.

“Second of all, it is their responsibility and job to protect the community and environment, and they have not done either of those things in relation to this issue.

“We have absolutely no idea what’s going on, where the EPA stands on the issue.

“And we have no idea going forward what the EPA intend to do and whether they intend to include the community in any sort of communication going forward.

“My main goal is for the EPA to stand up and take responsibility for what has happened there and to acknowledge that having the landfill 80 metres away from homes is not acceptable.

“And now that Barro Group has actually shown that they cannot manage a landfill at all, because of four hotspots burning from their landfill, their license should be revoked and that land should be used for a different purpose because they should not be here.”

Asked if she thinks the EPA understand the implications of the landfill burning underground:

“I don’t think they do at all, they have done nothing for the community in regards to, not only physical health, but mental health.

“During the lockdowns, you had a five kilometre radius, we couldn’t go anywhere.

“We literally could not go into our backyard because that is how bad the smell was.

“I didn’t want my children out in the backyard.

“I couldn’t air-out the house after a hot day.

“I didn’t want my dog outside because I’ve got no idea what is actually burning down there.

“And that’s the other thing, they don’t actually know what’s burning.”

Asked if she has noticed any improvement to the smell since they have tried to improve the issue, she replied:

“No, not at all.”

With residents living nearby, Ms Jezierksi admitted that it takes time to put out the spot fires as digging up the landfill intensifies the fire and creates more odor smells.

“The issue is that the landfill is so close to residents that they had to obviously tread carefully.”

“I know that they have had to take their time, but two and a half years later, that’s not good enough.

“And I actually don’t know whether the EPA are requesting them to improve anything.”

The EPA was contacted for comments.