Residents group: Have your say

Tara Murray

The Brimbank Ratepayers and Residents Association is calling on the community to provide feedback on the Melbourne Airport Master Plan to influence how the runway is used and the consideration of appropriate compensation for affected residents.

Many residents have voiced their concerns about the construction of the third runaway, which will be built north-south.

New flight paths are set to go above large parts of Brimbank.

Association president Irene Stokes said the masterplan has certainly caused some angst amongst the Brimbank community.

“There is no doubt that large parts of Brimbank will be impacted by increased noise and air pollution and residents are pretty unhappy about that,” she said.

“There is also anger that there was not any community consultation prior to the proposed north-south runway being announced.

“I’m on the Melbourne Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG) and urge all Brimbank residents to get involved with the airport’s community engagement activities which commenced last week and will go through to mid-May, but I get the sense that many residents feel the decision has been made and that their feedback will not make much difference.”

Ms Stokes admits that she doesn’t think community feedback against the proposed north-south runway can stop the runway from being built, but believes the community can have a say.

“The community feedback provided now can influence how the runway is used and the consideration of appropriate compensation for affected residents,” she said.

“Things like the upgrading of homes with double glazed windows and possibly a curfew so that residents at least get some reprieve from the noise at night may come about due to community feedback received now.

“Community feedback can also influence how the runway is used. The airport will be compiling all feedback received and forwarding it to the Federal Minister who will consider the Airport’s expansion plans, including approval of the proposed 3rd runway.

“Given the noise issues currently being experienced at Brisbane Airport, where residents are complaining that noise from the new runways is worse than expected, it is possible that a more proactive approach may be taken by the Government in Melbourne.”

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